Tuesday, 13 May 2014

DIY Hair Mask

Is your hair dry, damaged, over processed, and in need of some TLC? Well this mask I have here for you will give it just the care and love your hair needs, and even better it's homemade with two simple ingredients which are coconut oil and eggs. So you know what exactly is in the mask and is going on your hair, unlike shop bought hair masks which can have ingredients in that you can even say/read yourself. Natural ingredients are much better to use as they have so much good properties within them.

Coconut oil protects and moisturizes your scalp which helps with getting rid of dandruff and also is said to make the removal of lice and lice eggs easier. It improves blood circulation so it helps with hair growth. It's also very nourishing for the hair strands and your roots.

Eggs are rich of protein so it'll help aid in hair growth and thickening it by making the hair follicle stronger and less prone to breakage. It also makes your hair feel much smoother and moisturized.

All you got to do is put a few table spoons of coconut oil in a bowl (the amount depends on your hair length and thickness), place in the microwave for around 30 seconds to where it's melted but it's not boiling or too hot as the next step is to add the egg, (one or two it really depends how much you think your hair needs) if the oil is to hot then it could contribute to cooking the egg and that is what's not supposed to happen. Then all you got to do is mix the two together and slather the mixture all over your hair from your scalp to the ends of your hair. While your doing so give you head a little massage for a few minutes during the application as it will stimulate your scalp and get your blood flowing to your roots. You could just use this mask on your ends if you'd like but I find your hair would benefit more by applying it all over your hair.

I use this hair mask once a month but once a week I will have a hair mask on my hair which will usually be just coconut oil on it's own. Ever since I've used this mask or just coconut oil on my hair it's been much more manageable and is much more healthier. I could never go back to not using these masks, I'd much rather use these than shop bought.

I hope you liked this post and if you give it a try, I'd like to hear how you get on with it either in the comments on this post or on my social media. (links below)

PS. Yes I have had my hair dyed and it is a little different but I will be making a post fully on that as soon as it is properly how I wanted it which shouldn't be too long now.


  1. I use coconut oil on my hair all the time- I swear by it! And I knew that the protein in eggs is good for your hair I just never thought of mixing them! I am definitely going to try this
    Thanks for sending me your link
    Xo, Dani


    1. I swear by coconut oil too, but then once i discovered how good egg is for your hair I thought the two of them together would be twice as good and it is. But where the egg dries hard it can be a little tricky to rinse out that's why I only do it once a month.

      Lauren Xo

  2. How long do you tend to leave this on for?

    Mary-Ann xx
    Angel Flicks

